have at meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "have at" in a sentence   "have at" meaning
打击, 攻击
  • have:    vt. 1.有,持有,具有,含有。 How much m ...
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  1. Locomotion had at times seemed impossible .
  2. They had at least one source or input node .
  3. The component we collapsed had at least two vertices .
  4. She had at last found an environment in which she fitted .
  5. "i'm beginning to think you have at least a trace of talent. "

Related Words

        have:    vt. 1.有,持有,具有,含有。 How much m ...
        have:    vt. 1.有,持有,具有,含有。 How much money do yo ...
        have it:    (某项)成功的要素; 挨一拳; 优越, 有利
        have it in for:    对…镶恨; 对人不满,怀恨在心,伺机报复; 厌恶
        have not:    穷国
        have on:    穿上; 穿着 武汉列车时刻表戴着; 穿着, 戴着, 在手头, 使上钩; 穿着 ...
        have to:    必须,不得不; 不得不,必须; 不得不做
        have-not:    n. 〔常 pl.〕穷人;穷国。 “have-not” power 缺乏天然 ...
        have…on:    穿着,戴着; 戴着穿着; 有……活动
        t have:    以而终
        to be and to have:    山村犹有读书声
        will have to:    必须做; 还得要
        to have and have not:    富有与贫穷; 江湖侠侣; 有和没有的
        to have or have not:    要不要
        claimed to have stated to have:    声称已经……


  1. have aroused public indignation in Chinese
  2. have arrived at an earlier date in Chinese
  3. have art in Chinese
  4. have as a result or conclusion in Chinese
  5. have asparagus for lunch in Chinese
  6. have at thee in Chinese
  7. have attained a great merit in Chinese
  8. have audience of in Chinese
  9. have authority over in Chinese
  10. have authority with in Chinese
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